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近期,有关 “巴西签证自签发日起,90天之内务必入境巴西,激活签证。” 的消息在社交网络上流传。此类消息均为不实消息,属于歪曲巴西领事馆发布的相关联政策,意图干扰巴西签证申请中心的正常运营。巴西领事馆在此进行通知,领事馆没有公布任何相关联的政策内容。相关联不实消息均为谣言。

In the recent days, the information by stating that “the visa holder must enter Brazil within 90 days of the issuance of the visa to activate the visa” has been spread on social media. Such kind of information is totally false, which interferes with the normal operation of the Brazil Visa Application Centers in China. Here is to state that Brazil Embassy did not claim any new policy regarding this.
Please refrain from spreading false information or believing in rumors regarding the application process. It’s crucial to rely on authentic sources such as consulate WeChat channels or official websites for all updates. Please avoid falling for misinformation on social media platforms.
