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  1. 访客签证 访客签证允许您以旅游、度假、探亲访友或短期商务为目的进入澳大利亚。常见的访客签证包括电子旅行签证(ETA)、电子访客签证(eVisitor)和访客签证(subclass 600)。
  2. 学生签证 学生签证(subclass 500)允许您在澳大利亚的教育机构学习,课程可以是全日制的大学本科、硕士课程,也可以是职业培训、英语课程等。
  3. 工作签证 工作签证分为临时工作签证和永久工作签证。临时工作签证如技术培训签证(subclass 407)、临时技能短缺签证(subclass 482)等;永久工作签证如雇主提名签证(subclass 186)、技术独立签证(subclass 189)等。
  4. 家庭签证 家庭签证允许澳大利亚公民、永久居民或符合条件的新西兰公民的家庭成员前往澳大利亚团聚。常见的家庭签证包括伴侣签证(subclass 309/100)、子女签证(subclass 101)等。
  5. 难民及人道主义签证 这些签证是为了帮助因人道主义原因或难民身份而需要前往澳大利亚的人士,如难民签证(subclass 200)、全球特殊人道主义签证(subclass 202)等。

Australia’s visa system is comprehensive and complex, catering to various circumstances under which people visit Australia. Here are some main categories of visas:

  1. Visitor visas Visitor visas allow you to enter Australia for tourism, holiday, visiting family and friends, or short-term business purposes. Common visitor visas include the Electronic Travel Authority (ETA), eVisitor, and Visitor visa (subclass 600).
  2. Student visas The Student visa (subclass 500) allows you to study at an educational institution in Australia. Courses can be full-time undergraduate or postgraduate university courses, vocational training, English language courses, and more.
  3. Work visas Work visas are divided into temporary and permanent work visas. Temporary work visas include the Training visa (subclass 407), Temporary Skill Shortage visa (subclass 482), etc. Permanent work visas include the Employer Nomination Scheme visa (subclass 186), Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189), etc.
  4. Family visas Family visas allow family members of Australian citizens, permanent residents, or eligible New Zealand citizens to come to Australia for reunion. Common family visas include the Partner visa (subclass 309/100), Child visa (subclass 101), etc.
  5. Refugee and humanitarian visas These visas are designed to assist people who need to come to Australia for humanitarian reasons or as refugees, such as the Refugee visa (subclass 200), Global Special Humanitarian visa (subclass 202), etc.